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Numerical Analysis of Energy Flow Dynamics for Energy Efficient Buildings

Show simple item record AHMED, DILDAR 2023-08-10T06:27:53Z 2023-08-10T06:27:53Z 2019
dc.identifier.other 00000170390
dc.description Supervisor: DR. IMRAN AKHTAR en_US
dc.description.abstract Stuy of thermoflui flo ha it inifiane in enery analyi of a builin ariou thermo flui analye are erforme in AC ytem for enery effiient builin by ientit an enineer to ave enery onumtion urin the life of a builin In orer to ahieve enery onervation for ifferent AC ytem etermination of air flo attern an flo hyi are vital arameter In ae of flui flo ot roein tehniue uh a treamline vetor lot an ontour are in often emloye hee tehniue hel in unertanin the nature of flo an it roertie ah of thee ot roein tehniue mentione are bae on ulerian metho an have ertain inherent efiienie ertainin to the amount of information they an onvey about ertain aet of flui flo aranian Coherent Struture CS on the other han ue aranian ata for analyi uroe CS are enerate uin inite ime yaunov onent fiel hih in turn eit the rate of eanion or ontration of the traetorie aroun a ertain oint CS at a the tranort barrier aro hih there i aroimately ero ma flu hi roerty mean that CS an be alie to roblem relate to earation an reattahment in flui flo an fin virtual bounarie inie flo In the urrent tuy e fou on the aliation of CS for effiient laement of enor for AC ytem e omute CS uin veloity ata etrate from the C imulation of a room moel hu CS an be ue to ientify the virtual bounarie in flui flo hi hel in iniation of reion here miin of artile our an alo here artile are tanate hi tye of tuy i ueful in analyin air flo in loation like ata enter offie room hoin mall an reiential builin he outome of thi tuy an be ue to imrove the enery effiieny a ell a reit the aurate loation of AC enor an ontrol unit. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Numerical Analysis of Energy Flow Dynamics for Energy Efficient Buildings en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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