Internet and semantic web technologies have enabled academics to find online research materials with increasing speed and accuracy. They have enabled academics
to make connections with each other. Whereas, institutional repositories (IRs) are
often built to serve a specific institution’s community of users. Mostly existing IRs
are using relational database schema for maintaining the metadata of their digital
contents. They might need to interact with other information systems that build to
manage institutional research activities. Thus, it is crucial to provide interoperability and integration mechanisms to bridge the gap between the semantic web and
relational database worlds. To process the data in semantic context, a relational
database is transformed into ontology. The use of semantic web technologies in integrating the different IRs metadata enable ontology-facilitated sharing and reuse
of learning resources. They provide users access to a web of content which might
otherwise require discovering and exploring multiple websites or IRs.
The main promising feature of IRs is their flexible data models that can
be customized to arrange the digital documents in a repository according to the
organizational structure of an institute. The data model of an organization’s IR
is not directly converted into IR database schema, but the data model schema is
maintained as values in the comprehensive database schema of the IR. The schema
of IRs databases is nested schema i.e. a schema is embedded in another schema.
In other words, an IR database schema is not a normalized schema with respect to
the data model, so, it makes the transformation complicated and different from the
typical transformation tasks. A substantial amount of research has already been
done to transform a relational database into ontology. However, these systems are
only capable to transform a normalized relational database into ontology. They
cannot produce accurate results if they are applied on IR databases. After building
the ontologies, a key issue is to enable interoperability among different ontologies.
The proposed system first of all identifies the data model of an institute
from IR database and builds a normalized relational schema for the data model
of the institute. Then metadata of the repository is extracted to populate this
produced schema to build an intermediate database. Once we get a normalized relational database, then relational to ontology transformation techniques are applied
on this intermediate database to transform it into ontology. After that, the system
transforms the instances from the generated ontology into corresponding data or
instances expressed in target ontology. The classes from both source and target
ontologies are extracted and simple mappings between these classes are generated
by the user. Then the individuals of these mapped classes are matched and proper
URIs are given to each individual. These individuals are linked with their respective
target ontology classes. Finally, an RDF, having individuals of the target ontology,
is generated.
The system has mainly three modules: (i) Metadata Extraction; (ii) Relation to Ontology Transformation; (iii) Ontology Alignment and Data Translation.
The distinguishing features of the proposed system are (i) identifying the data model
of an IR; (ii) extracting metadata of the repository; (iii) creating proper hierarchy of
parent and child classes of ontology to preserve the data model hierarchy, (iv) generating mappings between ontologies, and (v) transforming data or instances from
source ontology into corresponding data or instances expressed in target ontology.
The system has been implemented in Java language and Jena API is used for ontology creation. Experimental results demonstrate that the transformation is correct
and the system preserves information capacity.