In the past decade, usage of multiple robots for various tasks has gained a lot of
popularity. Robots are becoming a household item being used in multiple dimensions and
areas of life. They are used for routine tasks in houses and offices to heavy-duty tasks in
factories etc. But the application of robots gaining the most popularity in the current world is
their use in security and surveillance. They are used for search and reconnaissance of large
scale environments such as banks, shopping malls etc, as well as for inspection of various
inaccessible areas such as sewers, tunnels and for guiding tourists safely through museums
etc. This is mainly because of the advantages of robots over their human counterparts;
reduced costs, time efficiency, lesser manpower requirement and reduced risk factor to name
a few. This work targets the usage of robots for search and surveillance in a known
environment map. That is, if it is required to secure an area or decontaminate an already
'contaminated' area with a known map, or to declare an area clear of any dangers/intruders.
The term 'contaminated' refers to an area that has an intruder present in it. A lot of work has
already been carried out and is ongoing in this field of robotics. Various techniques have been
devised to complete the Pursuit Evasion Problem (as it is more commonly known) where a
target/intruder is being pursued by a pursuer. The techniques vary in methods of employment
of robots; some are targeted towards guidance of robots, some are related to single robots,
while others are related to multiple robots and the degree of coordination required between
them to secure an area. The concept of 'searcher' and 'blocker agents' is employed and an
algorithm devised to achieve the abovementioned purpose and detect any intruders present in
an area in a way that is time efficient and requires lesser number of agents than the
techniques of uncoordinated search being used.