Increasing number of road car accidents and high causality rate in these accidents
demand an efficient method to manage road traffic and restrict people speed limits. Numerous
traffic police officers are stationed throughout the country on every major avenue but many times
they seem to be unable to control traffic flow and implement speed limits. Not only does this
affect human lives but also have adverse effects on economy. A system needs to be developed
that follows all the traffic laws, is reliable and also easy to use so that not only human lives can
be saved but the huge economic losses associated with traffic accidents could also be reduced.
Autonomous driving systems is the perfect solution for this problem as this system would
follow traffic laws, greatly reduce number of accidents, and improve fuel efficiency by
eliminating rash and distracted driving. This system would also be equally beneficial for
children, elderly and disabled as they would not require help of other people to drop them at their
destinations. Different International agencies are working on developing Autonomous driving
systems like DARPA, Google, General Motors, BMW and many other universities from around
the world. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, no government agency or university is working on
autonomous driving cars. The main reason for this is the fact that equipment used for
autonomous driving (sensors and processors) are very expensive, there is very little locally
owned mapping data (such as Google maps and Google Street View etc.) and it will take years of
research to make a car that is able to drive through public roads without any problems.
Autonomous driving cars will not only save our assets, our people, but will also help in
development of our country.
This MS Thesis is concerned with the problem of Mobile Robot Navigation in outdoor
structured environment using Monocular Vision. The developed algorithm will be generic
enough to implement on any intelligent driving system. Navigation of mobile robot in its own
environment is a challenging task. All programming and image processing was done in
MATLAB using Image Processing Toolbox.
This report presents a novel approach for navigation of mobile robot on the road using
monocular vision only. The developed algorithm can be implemented on any vehicle or robot
moving on road. A method for road segmentation and obstacle detection is presented. A state of
the art method for distance estimation is also described. After that a method for obstacle
avoidance is presented using previously gained information from monocular image.