NUST Institutional Repository

Hardware Design for Synthetic Discriminant Function Bandpass Difference of Gaussian Filter

Show simple item record GUL, SAIMA 2023-08-18T05:24:33Z 2023-08-18T05:24:33Z 2012
dc.identifier.other 2009-NUST-MS PhD-ComE-10
dc.description Supervisor: DR SAAD REHMAN en_US
dc.description.abstract Synthetic Discriminant Function (SDF) has been the main area of focus for many researchers. It has been applied successfully in different applications. This filter was designed to overcome the limitations of Matched Filter and Phase Only Filter. The main idea behind SDF design is to include the expected distortions in the filter design. This technique improved the immunity to the distortions. SDF filter is computationally very intensive algorithm when implemented in MATLAB. Its real-time implementation with the specialized hardware is essentially required in order to achieve high speed. It is an optical technique, which is digitized. This research work is focused on the hardware design of Synthetic Discriminant Function Bandpass Difference of Gaussian Filter. The objective is to provide faster and cheaper solution to the object recognition problem. This work pays special attention to the trade-off among area, cost, performance and precision aspects. Hardware design of SDF filter is the first step towards designing fast and efficient hardware for correlation filters with distortion invariance. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Hardware Design for Synthetic Discriminant Function Bandpass Difference of Gaussian Filter en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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