Two DGA based extractants were synthesized and functionalized with imidazolium and
ammonium cations. These DGA functionalized ionic liquid were named as LI and LII. The prepared
functionalized ionic liquid were characterized using different spectroscopic techniques FTIR and
NMR. The NMR spectroscopic analysis confirm the synthesis of diglycolamate based extractants.
The extraction efficiencies of both the extractants were evaluated for the extraction of Eu(III),
Sm(III) and UO2
2+ from the acidic aqueous phase. The experiments were carried out to optimize
the equilibrium time, initial pH of the aqueous phase and the ligand concentration in the organic
phase, to determine extraction stoichiometry. The metal to ligand ratio was found to be 1:3 for
Eu(III), Sm(III) and 1:2 for the UO2
2+. The extraction study at various nitrate ion concentration,
suggest the involvement of NO3
- in the complex formation. Both the ligands were found better
extractants for trivalent Eu3+, Sm3+ in comparison with the hexavalent uranyl ion.