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Electro-Mechanical Design Of Mini-Insect Robot

Show simple item record ANJUM, SOHAIL 2023-08-18T06:47:00Z 2023-08-18T06:47:00Z 2012
dc.identifier.other 2010-NUST-MS PhD–Mts-02
dc.description Supervisor: DR UMAR SHAHBAZ KHAN en_US
dc.description.abstract Macro-robots are outmaneuvered by mini-robots in confined spaces. Mini-robots are useful in concealed missions or search operations. There are many constraints such as external power supplies, excessive weight, small wheels and many more which limit the mobility of these existing small robots. Micro-robotics has application in many fields such as biomedical engineering and micro engineering. Several industries have manufactured many smart mini robots which are applicable in different industries. In this work, mini-insect robot is to be designed. Mechanical structure was designed in Pro-E and analysis was also done on it. Electronic components have also been recommended and there schematics have been made in proteous. Floating has also been designed in this robot so that robot can move on land and can float on water. Thesis Supervisor: Dr Umar Shahbaz Khan Title: Associate Professor en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Electro-Mechanical Design Of Mini-Insect Robot en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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