Business or organization is a combination of Marketing/R & D, manpower, financing, planning
and overall management resources. The combination of these interrelated resources performs the
activities necessary for sustaining the organization or business as an entity. The manpower part
of the organization performs the respective jobs according to instructions from the middle
management which in turn refers to the top management. The finance department operates
independently of the production/operations part and is responsible for financing the various
ongoing projects as well as the organizational assets. The management part is really what drives
the organization; management takes all the important decision on how to spend money, where to
spend money and how often to change product design/specifications in conjunction with the
Marketing/R & D department. All decision related activities that the management, Marketing/R
& D Department has to undergo are of paramount importance as a single rash decision will
impact the organization very hard economically. Therefore to supplement the decision making
on a logical perspective DSS can be employed which will support and verify the Decision
Making process so that it can benefit the organization in the long term.
At present, the process of decision making in most local organizations, is done without any aid of
technology, and based solely on the experience of the decision maker, while this may result in a
decision which is good for the organization, but there is still an element left to chance, because
of the lack of information and/or computation of all the relevant factors. And the decisions for a
similar task can vary depending on the experience of the decision maker.
With a Decision Support System, the experience variable in the process of decision making is
removed to provide more consistent performance across the process of decision making. In
addition to this benefit, the Decision Support Systems have an added advantage of organization
and presentation of all the necessary information relevant to the task of decision making. The
combination of all these benefits give the decision maker an unprecedented advantage with no
factor or variable affecting his performance in decision making along with consistently good
decisions which is always good for the organization in terms of reputation, its profits, stocks and
Adoption of Decision Support Systems (DSS) to supplement Organizational Decision Making.
This research is focused on the adoption of decision support systems to supplement the
organizational decision making which is beneficial for the organization in both long and short
terms, and as such for the implementation of decision support systems, various factors or
variables are involved, these variables were selected after careful study and review of literature
involving the applications of decision support system.
The design work for this research is purely a scientific one, following a structured approach with
forst specifying the research question to narrow down and focus on the selected problem and
then selecting the target population, sample size and unit of analysis. After that an appropriate
questionnaire was designed which would help in collection of the information related to the
research from professionals working in various organizational roles and setups, what this process
intended was to isolate the opinion of these professionals in different industries and then separate
out their opinions and gather them based on agreement or disagreement with the statements of
the questionnaire. The data obtained from the questionnaire was then scrutinized to verify that
the sample size chosen was statistically significant and no possible sampling errors were present
in the data, it is normally distributed and the population and sample mean do not have significant
variance, so a few statistical tests were applied on the data, namely frequency distribution tests,
and these tests concluded that the data was statistically significant and the sample size was
correct to deduce appropriate results from the data, after this process the results were inferred
from the data, and presented in graphical form to calculate the relationships of the variables
affecting the decision support system implementation.
The research was very beneficial as it helped explore a unique application of the decision support
systems, which if properly followed would be valuable for organizational setup, in short this can
help maintain the organization on the competitive edge. Personally the research was very
valuable to me as it introduced a proper framework for the implementation of decision support
systems, and a scientific method for investigating new problems, a flowchart was designed by
me which would help in the selection of appropriate system according to the organizational setup
and requirements.
The results that are obtained from the thesis research are in favor of implementing decision
support systems in Pakistani Organizations, and are positive in the success of this system if the
potential of these systems is truly realized and their role accepted in the process of decision