The proliferation of IoT technology has transformed various businesses but at the same
time, it has provided access to a huge number of physical devices deployed in the
network. The IoT devices are susceptible to multiple security threats and challenges,
device authentication, and verification being one of the foremost. Research work in this
dimension has been carried out and multiple solutions have been provided however an
end-to-end security solution is required which encompasses the IoT devices, Fog layer,
and Cloud computing paradigms. This paper presents a secure and trusted framework
for anonymous authentication and data integrity while protecting the system against
unauthorized access, impersonation and repudiation attacks in the IoT environment. To
achieve our objectives, in this paper IoT devices are integrated with blockchain to create,
publish and manage their identities anonymously which will be verifiable without
consulting a centralized third party to authenticate the IoT devices. The designed
protocol is verified using formal verification tool ‘Scyther’ and it satisfied various
security attributes mandatory for authentication and data integrity protocols