Radar identification and localization (Range and direction of arrival (DOA)
determination) is quite an old topic and a lot of work has been carried out in this field.
Due to noise and interfering sources, accurate parameter estimation of radar is a
difficult task. Range of emitter can be determined by triangulation techniques
available in literature. Many techniques exist for angle of arrival estimation of radar.
These techniques include scanning beam, amplitude comparison and phase
interferometry techniques. Some more sophisticated DOA determination techniques
include Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) and Estimation of Signal Parameters
via Rotational Invariance Techniques (ESPRIT).
This thesis deals with Identification and localization of single radar. Ranging with
Amplitude comparison of closely spaced time samples is proposed in this thesis.
Phase interferometry technique is moulded for DOA determination of pulsed radar.
Processing of complete system is implemented on embedded platform and complete
system is tested in lab and field.