NUST Institutional Repository

Secure PUF Based Key Generation for Large Communication Groups

Show simple item record Taha, Muhammad 2023-08-19T10:56:21Z 2023-08-19T10:56:21Z 2020
dc.identifier.other 170632
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Hasan Tahir en_US
dc.description.abstract Conventional cryptographic algorithms have been depended on stored keys for providing the security services. Since the keys are stored on a device, it makes them vulnerable to key theft attacks. Increasing the key size makes the brute force attack difficult but does not eliminates the threat of key theft. This thesis proposes secure key generation schemes for group communication. The research makes three major contributions to improve the security of devices in multiparty environment. The thesis also demonstrates that the novel root of trust can be used for the provision of security services. The first contribution of the thesis is the creation of a symmetric group key for group environment using Physical Unclonable Function (PUF). By embedding the novel root of trust (PUF) the threat of key theft attack is mitigated. The second contribution made in this research is the symmetric key created in contribution fashion means all the members of the group has participated in creating a key. The third contribution made in this research is the provision of a scheme that can be used for key authentication generated for the group. The proposed schemes have been tested for creating the group keys en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science NUST SEECS en_US
dc.title Secure PUF Based Key Generation for Large Communication Groups en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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