Incorporation of nitrogen into 30CrMnSiA and 316 Stainless Steel was executed by arc
melting furnace at 3500ºC by altering the nitrogen pressure from 0.1bar to 0.3bar.
Characterization techniques involved the optical microscopy (OM) for investigation of
microstructure, X-ray diffraction and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) with EDX
(Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy).It was suggested that nitrogen incorporation
into 30CrMnSiA and 316 stainless Steel was a favorable way to attain high
hardness.Nitrogen comprising steel samples exhibited superior corrosion resistance as
compared to the raw steel specimens when they are examined in electrolyte solution of
3.5wt% NaCl. Tafel plots and polarization resistance results revealed that the corrosion
resistance from argon melted steel sample to high nitrogen incorporated samplewas
improved from 14.13mpy to 6.70mpy, 0.06606mpy to 0.02677mpy and from 12.28 to
4.81, 0.02mpy to 0.010mpy for 30CrMnSiA and for 316ss respectively. These results
suggest that nitrogen is beneficial for anticorrosion properties in different media.
By linking the benefits of nitrogen added 30CrMnSiA and for 316SS, low density, high
hardness and more corrosion resistant steel as compared to presently used raw steel ,the
recently developed nitrogen incorporated steel is a trustworthy substitute for marine