NUST Institutional Repository

Development Of New Image Fusion Techniques

Show simple item record Ahmad, Attiq Supervised by Dr. Tahir Zaidi 2020-10-23T05:41:34Z 2020-10-23T05:41:34Z 2016-01
dc.identifier.other PhD EE-07
dc.description.abstract Image fusion techniques merge the complementary information of several images (multi-focus, multi-exposure and multi-modal). Each of these scenarios poses different challenges for image fusion techniques, which are being extensively researched. However, most of these works assume that source images are preregistered, which is a less practical scenario. Both registered and unregistered image fusion algorithms are considered in this thesis. The registration involves the geometrical / spatial alignment of source images taken using different sensors or a sensor in different operating conditions. This research is concerned with the reliable fusion schemes of several scenario images (including muti-focus, Infra Red (IR) and visible, Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR), and multi-exposure images) demonstrating high quality fused results without loss of useful information. The first scheme is a textural registration based multi-focus scheme involving the Gabor filtering (with specific frequency and orientation) for extracting texture features from the images. The filtered images are aligned/registered using affine transformation. Noise and blur play an important role in image fusion and need to be classified and treated for quality image fusion. The next two fusion schemes deal with multi-exposure noisy (real and synthetic both) and blur images. In the first algorithm, the noisy, blurry and clean images are classified using Laplacian filter and histogram spread. The noise is reduced in the frequency domain. Heavy weights are assigned to noise free pixels and the blur images are passed through the Wiener filter. In the second algorithm, a noise resistant image fusion scheme for multi-exposure sensors using color dissimilarity (for motion detection and removal), median and noise maps is proposed. A well exposed image is obtained as a result of weighted average of multi-exposure source images. Higher valued weights are assigned to pixels containing low values of noises, high values of color dissimilarity and median maps. The next work (two schemes) involve pre-registered visible and IR images. In the first one, a three stage image fusion scheme using Genetic Algorithm (GA) is presented. In the first stage, it segments the image into homogeneous regions and generates segmentation maps. In the second stage, the segmentation maps are combined by an adaptive weight adjustment procedure. The third stage fuses the input images and segmentation maps via GA based multi- objective optimization strategy. The second image fusion scheme uses Un-Decimated Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (UDTCWT) for astronomical images. The UDTCWT reduces noise effects and improves object classification due to its inherited shift invariance property. Local standard deviation and distance transforms are used to extract useful information, especially small objects. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Development Of New Image Fusion Techniques en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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