This research work is based on the enhancement of Quality of Service (QoS) in Peer-to-Peer
(P2P) overlay networks. It reduces free riding by enhancement of cooperation among
heterogeneous peers for the fair share of resources, as well as elevates the efficiency of
information retrieval regarding a particular peer and its resources available and demanded for
and from the network respectively. These resources could be peer’s physical attributes such as
free storage space; RAM, processor cycles, or it could be any other application based resources,
like media files etc. An efficient behavior of the peers in the network is retrieved by introducing
cooperating groups (CG) in the network, where cooperating peers are associated to a particular
CG. CG-Identifier (ID) is assigned to those peers who share resources on the basis of give and
take rule. Through CGs it would be far more efficient to search an idol peer waiting for another
peer so that both could share each other’s resources. Heterogeneous Cooperating Group-based
Newscast Protocol (HCGNP) has been introduced in the network which generates cooperating
peers in the network. Simulations and results show that the probability of cooperation between
the peers, who remain part of the network, is very high as compared to other cooperation
algorithms. Hence the current research introduces an entirely different and an efficient way of
enhancing cooperation between the peers in P2P overlay networks.