dc.description.abstract |
Universities play very important role in economic development of any country. In
fact, it is said that universities are central players in an economic system. Countries
are putting their efforts to make their economy technology/knowledge-based to
achieve desired levels of economic growth. Economic growth based on technology is
directed by a number of factors and their integration in the economy. It has become an
important issue in the national agenda how to get the universities to better contribute
industrial sector. Outcome of university research may be transferred to industry in
several forms like i.e. seminars, training, patenting, licensing, start-up companies and
spin-off firms etc. Transferring of academic research results to industry is considered
as a vital factor for the industrial growth. Being highly educated segment of society,
responsibility of creating awareness and then fostering these linkages rest with the
universities. Therefore, in this thesis research an effort is made is to analyze/identify
the characteristics and forms of the existing industrial linkages in our universities and
barriers inhibiting these linkages and suggest viable measures to enhance and foster
its effectiveness.
An exploratory research technique was adopted to conduct this research. A survey
questionnaire having three parts pertaining to existing industrial linkages, barriers and
improvements was structured to seek primary data. Both close and open ended
questions were incorporated in the questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained from
journals, annual reports and web sites. A survey of 69 departments (engineering
disciplines) of 15 institutes of higher education was conducted.
An overall stock of our higher education, economy and university industry linkages is
taken. In 60 years history of Pakistan, it was only last eight years when higher
education of Pakistan took a number initiatives and made significant achievements.
Through Medium Term Development Framework HEC evolved a sustainable vision
and strategy to pursue its future plans. HEIs has increased from 59 in year 2000 to
124 in year 2008 and student enrolment has grown from 135,123 in year 2001-02 to
316,278 in year 2007-08. Research publications has increased from 815 in year 2002
to 3,640 in year 2008, which is a significant improvement. On economic front there is
long history of failures mainly due to political instability, weak institutions and poor
governance. Our exports always, except few times, remained lower than imports
resulting in to trade deficit thereby causing burden on already weak economy. HEC
Identification of barriers affecting university-industry linkages and suggested
measures for its improvement
took few measures to link higher education with economy as an engine of economic
growth. However, Initiatives like University Industry Technology Support
Programme (UITSP), University-Industry Interaction Project and Collaborative
Research Projects with CSF did not produce any significant results. In world context,
Pakistan’s performance remained on extreme lower side of curve by obtaining 101
places out of 134 countries in Global Competitiveness Report 2009.
Literature provides an evidence of the fact that with out strong university industry
linkages dream of innovation, competitiveness and sustained economic growth can
not be fulfilled. To have effective university industry linkages a through
understanding of mechanisms like consultancy, contract research, collaborative
research, spin offs, science parks and technology incubation centers is essential. In
this regard role of Industrial Liaison Office or Technology Transfer Office is vital.
Research results indicated that only 21% interaction with industry was made by
industrial liaison offices and 53% interactions were made by individuals. Only 28%
departments had formal collaboration agreements with industry. Informal interactions
with the industry were quite significant in the form of workshops and seminars with a
score of 73% and 78% respectively. Adequacy of lab equipment for teaching purpose
was 80% where as its adequacy for research was only 58%. Factors like lack of
entrepreneurship spirit, time constraint due to heavy teaching and administrative work
load, existing university norms and procedures and lack of interest on part of industry
to collaborate with universities were rated as severe barriers to university-industry
To establish and foster university industry collaboration, a number of
recommendations have been made for all stake holders. Measures like setting up of
effective and functional university liaison offices, encouragement of industrial visits
by academics and students, giving publicity to university activities relevant to
industry, tax concessions for companies collaborating with universities, revision of
curriculum in consultation with industry professionals and making university policies
and procedure which encourages entrepreneurship could be very effective. |
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