Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of thousands of tiny nodes having the capability
of sensing, computation, and wireless communications. The major challenges faced by
wireless sensor networks are energy-efficiency (as WSNs are battery powered and batteries
are not chargeable and replaceable) and self-organization (as nodes may disappear).
A thorough literature study of routing protocols for WSNs presents a classification for the
various approaches. Each of the routing algorithms has the common objective of trying to
get better throughput and to extend the lifetime of the sensor network.
In this thesis work geographic routing in WSN is mainly focused for energy issues and a
location based WSN routing protocol ELBGR (Energy aware & Load Balancing Geographic
Routing) is presented that features the energy efficiency, load balancing and self
organization of the wireless sensor networks. This protocol extends the lifetime of the
network and balances the energy consumption of the nodes within the network.
This algorithm works on forwarding rule based on neighbor’s energy levels, packet
reception rate and the location. Each node knows geographic location, energy levels and
PRR of its neighbors. The proposed algorithm consists of two phases; initially it selects the
Forwarding Nodes Set (FNS) from all neighbors and then finally selects the Optimal
Forwarding Node (OFN) from FNS for forwarding purpose.
The ELBGR is compared with Greedy algorithm, EAGR, EEAR and HHEAA for its
performance and the simulations results depicted that the proposed algorithm (ELBGR)
gives better performance in terms of higher success rate, throughput and less number of
dead nodes and it effectively increases the lifetime of the sensor networks.