Reliable event delivery at MAC, routing and transport level has been explored to great
extent to provide improved throughput and route resilience in wireless sensor
networks. The evolution of wireless sensor and actor networks (WSAN) has posed an
extra constraint in terms of reliable event response. The reliable response is defined as
the in-time event delivery from sensor nodes to actors and timely action of actors
against the sensors input. This might be required in an application that includes a
diverse mixture of sensors for monitoring multiple events. In this paper, we propose a
reliable event response (RER) framework for WSANs that addresses the issue of
reliable action. RER implements two functions; reliable event delivery (RED) and
prioritized event action scheduling. RED is based on a novel cluster-based multipath
routing protocol. While, action reliability is ensured through a prioritized action
scheduling based on earliest deadline shortest positioning (EDSP) algorithm. The
results reveal that RER achieved its goal of action reliability which is not possible
with simple scheduling first-in first-out (FIFO) scheduling algorithm.