Several security solutions including open source protocols and specifications have been
proposed in Pervasive Environment. Most of these schemes rely on intermediate servers
for authentication and security provision for end to end secure communications between
devices. This might be suitable for certain scenarios but broad range of users are not
comfortable with it. End to end secure communication is among the most important
requirement in pervasive environment.
Due to heterogeneous nature of the pervasive operating environment and ubiquity of
communication devices, service adaptation is required at run time by inferring
environment state. Dealing with security issues in such diverse conditions becomes a real
challenge. In the pervasive environment, the security framework needs to be contextsensitive and services being provided in the pervasive environment also needs secure
mechanisms for access control. So every single service need secure channel or some
mechanism to provide scalable and efficient environment to operate in.
There are four security features that should be provided by any system called,
Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, and Non repudiation. In the scheme we have
chosen available secret key algorithms for confidentiality, PKC for authentication and
non repudiation, and one way encryption schemes (Hash Functions) for integrity
provision among communicating entities.
In this work, we have aim to provide security mechanism for end to end users without
intervention of intermediate servers using secret key and public key cryptography with
REST services. We will provide a comparison study of security algorithms already being
used in industry in this environment too.