Ever since invention of wheel revolutionized the life of ancient man, science and
technology is regularly bringing magical changes in the society. Latest technologies have greatly
improved the living standards of people in almost all spheres of life. Modern means of public
transport and associated network, i.e. road transport, trains and subways have great impact on the
day to day life of people in the developed countries. The travelling times and distances have
reduced manifold where latest public transport systems are in place. The people can reach to
their work places swiftly, safely and by spending less. This modernization has completely
changed the life style of common people and brought efficiency in their daily working.
Modern public transportation system has also played a role in increased economic growth
and overall development of the society. This area has been under greater focus in developed
countries and their efficiency is now dependent on how effectively they can transport their work
force to offices, work places. However, there has been less emphasis on the development of
descent and efficient public transport network in Pakistan due to which our people face serious
problems in managing their daily affairs. Besides, poor means of transportation has adverse
effects on overall efficiency and behaviour of our people. Therefore, there is a need to select and
integrate most suitable transport system with related facilities, infrastructure for public transport
for our cities. This will not only help people to commute to their work places conveniently but
will have far reaching effects on overall development of our society and the country.
The purpose of this research work is to carryout a critical analysis of existing urban
transport system with a view to suggest a latest, efficient and cost effective public transport
model with improvement in existing roads network, organizational control, policies, strategies
and fleet of vehs for major cities in Pakistan. The related factors such as governance, capacity
building and urban planning will also be identified and included to the overall findings of the