Success of post disaster reconstructions projects, such as those conducted in northern
Pakistan since 2005 earthquake, is a big challenge for those with no experience in
large-scale construction. Therefore, this research aims to establish the project success
criteria, and to explore the causes of success and failure that can be applicable either
in general construction projects or in specified type of projects after mega disaster.
Data was gathered through survey questionnaires and thirty semi structured interviews
with practicing professionals who were involved in post disaster reconstruction
projects. Progress and financial data of 13312 reconstruction projects was collected
from ERRA and its partner organizations.
Out of these 13312 projects, ERRA has completed 55.27% projects before August 10,
2011. Physical progress of sponsor-funded projects is very good with the completion
rate of 91.84% and physical progress at GOP funded projects is the lowest with
completion rate of 37.76%. Currently 60.03% under construction projects are halted
because more than 3 months have passed and no physical progress has shown by these
projects. 70.99% projects are declared delayed because the difference between
planned and actual progress is more than 30%. Out of total 3,868 under construction
projects, 296 projects are time-over-run because construction pace of these projects is
very slow. The online database may provide an ICT (Information & Communication
Technology) tool to track the physical progress of implementing agencies. Dedicated
reconstruction management organizations need to classify delayed projects into four
categories (halted, delayed, Snailing and awaiting), based on the partner’s frequency
of updating their data on the online databank for better monitoring the reconstruction
This research also helps to set a benchmark for measuring the performance of
reconstruction projects by introducing the key performance indicators for time and
cost. Average Construction Speed of ERRA Building projects are 9.46 m2
/week and
most of these projects are delayed with the average Time Variation of 62.48%.
Similarly, Unit Cost and Percentage Net Variation over Final Cost (%NETVAR) are
the key performance indicators, may be used for benchmarking the cost of
reconstruction projects. Average Unit Cost for ERRA Building projects is 30082.2
and %NETVAR is 5.77. This research report shows that the cost and time
performance of Sponsor/Donors funded projects is better than government funded
projects. Moreover, it is clear that, humanitarian agencies have played a vital role in
the permanent reconstruction of affected peoples.
Questionnaire survey reveals that within schedule, under budget and stakeholders’
satisfaction are the basic success criteria for measuring the performance of post
disaster construction projects. From the response of seventy-four participants on fiftyfive variables, this study extracted important success and failure factors of postdisaster reconstruction projects by using factors analysis. Clarity of goals, detailed
planning, full-time experienced project manager, detailed written contracts and
effective monitoring are the five critical success factors. Similarly, top five critical
failure factors extracted by analysis are shortage of resources, financial problems,
lengthy decision taking process, excessive subletting and centralized organizational
system. The results of Spearman’s Rank Correlation analysis shows significant
positive relationship among ranking of different responding groups (client,
consultants, contractors, NGOs and UN), depicting that they all bear strong
The success cause of ERRA housing reconstruction projects is owner driven housing
reconstruction approach and the physical progress for housing reconstruction project
is 94.24% before June 10, 2010. The important aspects for successful implementation
of owner driven approach are; updating and enforcement of building codes and
construction guidelines, detailed damage assessment, utilization of easily accessible
materials and familiar methods of rebuilding, financial disbursement in installment
into beneficiaries bank accounts and involvement of NGOs in housing reconstruction
after mega disaster.
A new proposed framework incorporating the success criteria, project management
actions, failure factors and success factors provides a suitable checklist for measuring
recovery project performance. Identification of critical success as well as failure
factors by this framework also leads one to realize that it is not sufficient to only
maximize the results of the critical success factors but it is also necessary to minimize
the negative impact of failure causes. This study develops a general and
comprehensive base for future research, especially in the determination of success
factors for construction projects.