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A Prototype for wireless sensor network used in security surveillance system

Show simple item record SOHAIL, MUHAMMAD 2023-08-23T09:19:59Z 2023-08-23T09:19:59Z 2011
dc.identifier.other [2009-NUST-MS PhD-ComE-08]
dc.description Supervisor: DR KHALID IQBAL en_US
dc.description.abstract Wireless sensor network is collection of sensor nodes that coordinates with each other to monitor environment , human activities etc. each wireless sensor node contains a sensing unit , processing unit and a communication unit for coordination between nodes as well as the base station. Sensing unit mainly consist of one or two sensor which are used to sense the physical changes occurring in envoirnment.Proceessing unit take data from the sensing unit & perform necessary actions based on the sensation sensed by the sensor unit. Some of the features like power efficiency and low cost emerged wireless sensor network in the field of monitoring, in military activities, in construction& health as well.[1 intrusion detection using dictionary based pattern recognition system]. Wireless sensor node mainly have limited power supply which is usually a battery, it is also limited by memory constraints & bandwidth as well. [2 intrusin detectin using dictionary based pattern recognition system].The limited power supply issue can be solved by utilizing battery in efficient way by adopting several approaches. A lot of research has been done in recent past few years on wireless sensor networks Monitoring activities of human can be achieved by sensors such as thermal sensors like passive infrared sensor, ultrasonic sensors & accelerometer. the selection of processing unit depends on the memory requirement , power needs & processing capabilities. the communication unit is selected on the basis of the range of the transceiver. In this report a thesis is presented whose aim is to detect human activities. Main theme of this application is to detect intrusion of human in a prohibited area by using ad hoc network such as wireless sensor network. Passive infrared sensor is chosen in this application to sense any change in the surrounding world. Sensor is connected to a processing unit which is usually a micro controller which in our case is PIC !6F688.Microcontrller collects data from sensor unit & process on the data provided by the sensor unit. Processing unit then select one of the necessary action & communicate with the communication unit. Which is usually a transceiver? Transceiver which we are using in our application is zigbee. Transceiver main function is to forward any communication to the base station. Upon this communication sent by communication unit to the base unit , base unit take necessary actions. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title A Prototype for wireless sensor network used in security surveillance system en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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