Diffusion of technology in livestock sector of Pakistan is seen as a vital source for
alleviating poverty and to improve the economy of the country. When compared with
developed countries it becomes clear that the livestock sector of Pakistan suffers from
low productivity. The main reason behind low productivity of this sector is the lack of
technology acceptance among farmers. The dissemination of information regarding new
innovations and technologies in livestock sector is carried out through agriculture
extension models. Many different agriculture extension models have been developed and
tested throughout the history of Pakistan to increase the rate of technology diffusion, but
unfortunately all of these models have met with limited success.
Technology or innovation diffusion is a complicated process. Many times seemingly
beneficial technologies and innovations fail to get large scale acceptance or are accepted
at a very slow rate. The process of technology diffusion consists of three basic elements
i.e. technology or innovation, communication channel and social system. To accelerate
this process it is essential to understand the attributes of both technology and social
system and then to built an effective communication channel. This study attempts to
identify important factors and attributes that play a vital role in farmer’s decision to adopt
or reject a new technology. Through this study an attempt has also been made to
determine the effectiveness and reliability of current extension services (communication
channel) in livestock sector of Pakistan.
Data analysis carried out in different livestock farms shows that both public and private
sector have failed to increase awareness about new technologies and innovations among
farmers. The analysis also reveals the important role played by technology diffusion
attributes such as perceived usefulness, cost, personal innovativeness and social pressure
in adoption or rejection of a technology. On the basis of these findings a framework has
been established to accelerate the process of technology diffusion in livestock sector of