Branching ratio and Lepton Flavor Non-Universality (LFNU) ratio for B → (K∗0(1430))ℓ¯νℓ
where (ℓ = μ, τ ) decay has been studied, by probing the NP observables using B decays,
in a model independent scenario. For this decay, the form factors derived in the covariant
light front quark model are used. To analyze the NP effects, for BR and LFNU ratio,
in a model independent scenario, the best fit values as well as 1σ range values of Wilson
coefficients has been used. It is found that the above mentioned physical observables
shows a significant deviation from the SM predictions for B → (K∗0(1430))ℓ¯νℓ(ℓ = τ, μ)
decay. The hope is that either in the current collider experiments or in the future colliders
these observables will test the Standard Models parameters, but can also be useful
to probe the properties of NP particles.