Carbon sequestration is the process of removing carbon from atmosphere which is
either stored in reservoir or transformed to some other useful substance. Wetlands play
vital role in removing carbon from atmosphere which is evident by the fact that 14.5 %
of world’s organic carbon is stored in wetlands which account only 6% of worlds fresh
water surface. Wetlands possess special ecosystem that decreases decomposition rate
of organic matter hence store carbon for longer period of time. Rawal lake, located in
Potwar Platue, is 10 km away from Rawalpindi with an area of 8.8 km2 at altitude of
1800 m. It is replenished by 4-5 major and 43 small streams. There were three main
objectives of this study. First objective was the change detection of land use land cover
from 1999 to 2019 using LANDSAT 5 (TM) and LANDSAT 8 (OLI TIRS)
respectively. Second objective was the estimation and mapping of carbon sequestration
of Rawal Lake. Third objective of this study was the economic valuation of ecosystem
services by estimation of willingness to pay of respondents mainly tourists. Carbon
sequestration rate of Rawal lake was estimated using soil carbon analysis and
aboveground vegetation carbon analysis. In addition to this, land use land cover
analysis from 1999 to 2019 was also performed along with NDVI. Willingness to pay
for ecosystem services were estimated for economic valuation. NDVI and LULC
revealed that bare land in surroundings of Rawal Lake has decreased in past 20 years
whereas water and vegetation has increased. Urban area has also increased drastically.
Total stored carbon in Rawal lake was 257.8 T/Ha. Estimated carbon sequestration rate
of Rawal Lake was 30.76 g C m-2 y-1. Willingness to pay was estimated from direct face
to face question and responses from visitors in Rawal Lake. Survey results of 250
responses show that WTP for tree plantation was maximum and it reached up to PKR
3000/-, whereas minimum WTP was for soil which didn’t go beyond PKR 1000/-.
Unplanned urbanization was regarded as the main factor of carbon leakage by
respondents. Respondents prioritized ecosystem services of Rawal lake, which included
clean water and fresh air, over non ecosystem services, which included fishing and
rowing. Vegetation increase can help in increasing carbon sequestration potential also
it can reduce atmospheric temperature. Wetlands preservation and vegetation
enhancement should be given prime importance to control the harsh effects of global
warming caused by carbon emissions.