The services sector plays a major role in the economic growth of a country and
this sector’s growth is a global trend. The main focus of any service industry is to meet
the demands of its customers that require a well-managed capacity. Healthcare services
are one of the most demanded services in the world. An efficient and good quality
healthcare system results in customer satisfaction by “providing best service in as less
time as possible”. Fauji Foundation Hospital (FFH), Rawalpindi is the biggest and the
only tertiary care hospital of the Fauji Group of 600 beds. The beneficiaries of Fauji
Foundation come to this hospital for major treatments. The female medical ward is taken
as a case study for this research as it is the largest ward in terms of capacity at FFH with
132 beds in indoor patient ward and outdoor patient ward which operates 7 days a week.
The female medical ward faces high demands in terms of incoming patients. Over
the years, the performance of the ward has remained stagnant and has caused lags in the
provision of service. This research was carried out to identify the reasons of lags in
provision of service and recommending methods to improve the system by developing a
capacity management model that gives tangible results to tackle the problem.
FFH is the only welfare tertiary care hospital for ex-servicemen making it its
greatest strength along with its location, which makes it easily accessible to a huge
population. The inconsistency in provision of healthcare, under and over utilization of
employees, no tracking system of employees, lack of capacity management techniques,
under trained staff and no means to chose between alternatives for better improvisation
of operations are the major areas of concern.
The research has followed various qualitative and quantitative means to develop a
model that highlights the problems and gives tangible results that can improve the over
all system. The research found that the capacity at female medical ward can be managed
/ build on by scheduling the doctor / staff duties, using past data to analyze and
recommend minimum number of beds that should be in place to meet demands, proper
utilization of space, staff and technology, helping employees understand the strategy and
goals of the organization, reducing the frequent management changes, reducing
communication gap, establishing patient information desks and choosing between
alternatives based on actual research than by intuition can improve provision of
healthcare and increase productivity.