A Scalable Group key Agreement protocol for multiparty conferencing over
P2P Networks.
Alamzeb Khan
Thesis Supervisor: Dr.Ghalib AsadUllah Shah
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Engineering.
Up to now most of the group key agreement protocols (often tree-based) involve
unnecessary delays because members with low-performance computer systems can join
group key computation. These delays are caused by the computations needed to balance a
key tree after membership changes. This work presents an efficient stack-based and treebased group key agreement protocol (STGDH) and the results of its performance are
better than other approaches used by researchers. The proposed approach to filtering of
low performance members in group key generation is scalable and it requires less
computational overhead than other conventional group key agreement protocols. STGDH
protocol uses two approaches for efficient group key generation and distribution. STGDH
Protocol uses tree-based DIffie-Hellman to manage the group members in the network
and secondly it keeps the information of highest performance member in a stack data
structure. The highest performance is called the ‘group controller’. So the proposed
approach implements tree-based and stack-based technique. STGDH Protocol provides
efficient computation for group key generation by filtering low performance members
from this process. It also maintain a stack for all group controllers in the tree so that to
make the network reliable incase, any group controller leaves the network or is lost due to
network fault. The main advantage of this approach is efficient group key generation and
distribution in minimum possible time and keep information of all the preceding group
controller that is the highest performance members. The experimental results of this
approach are better than conventional group key agreement protocols.
Keywords: Group key agreement, group key generation and distribution, group controller