Military Engineer Services (MES) is one of the largest construction agencies in the
country. Its history dates back to the history of warfare itself. This organization is
responsible for construction of new and maintaining old facilities in all the cantonments
across Pakistan. The department is in service in Pakistan since 1924. It is a semi military
organization which works under the overall control of Engineer–in–Chief, of Pakistan
Army. It comprises of huge network of skilled workforce throughout Pakistan which are
working round the clock to maintain the civic facilities of the Armed Forces of Pakistan.
Apart from new construction, MES is also busy in maintaining electricity, water supply,
Sui gas, building repairs and wood work etc. Clean and green maintained cantonments
are attributed to the efforts of MES.
PAC Kamra is a key cantonment with regards to the facilities pertaining to Pakistan Air
force (PAF). Presently PAC Kamra is the 3rd largest installation and the base of PAF. It
comprises of four major factories, F-6 Rebuild Factory (F-6 RF), Mirage Rebuild
Factory (MRF), Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMR) and Kamra Avionics and
Rebuild Factory (KARF). Each factory has a separate domestic colony for its employees.
It has a population of approximately 75,000 with over 5000 residential units of various
sizes. PAC Kamra is divided into four Industrial zones of MES, each being looked after
by a separate Garrison Engineer (GE) with 1x Commander Military Engineering
Services (CMES). Although MES is performing its task with due diligence, however,
poor quality of work, poor response to the complaints, absence of modern management
techniques, lack of requisite skilled manpower, financial management etc, are some of
the areas which need to be looked at in-depth in order to enhance its performance.
In this research study, effort will be made at discovering and analyzing the existing MES
complaint handling system at PAC Kamra, carrying out critical analysis of complaint
handling system, management techniques, service quality parameters, employing various
statistical quality control tools, identifying the problem areas and causes of
mismanagement of complaints with a view to offering actionable recommendations for
improvement of the system as a whole.