Very/Ultra High Frequency communication uses electromagnetic radio waves of
frequency range, 30 MHz – 3.0 GHz (wavelength from 10m -1 mm) for voice/data
communication and active/passive sensors. The electromagnetic waves experience
propagation loss as they traverse in different mediums. The propagation loss is
observed to be constant in vacuum but it dynamically changes with varying
atmospheric conditions. The affect is more pronounced in maritime environment as
compared to urban areas due to rapid variation in atmospheric/ climate parameters of
oceanic weather environment. The variation in conditions cannot be predicted/
modeled through linear equations/ constant relationships. There is a need to develop
a simulated environment to examine propagation losses in V/UHF spectrum for real
time situational awareness. This will also give clear understanding of performance
evaluation of V/UHF communication systems in the inhomogeneous maritime
environmental conditions.
Different environmental conditions based on available archived data set will be
modeled during the proposed research work. The conditions pertaining to Arabian
Sea and adjacent coastal areas will be the target conditions for the study.