Trees are an important asset to the environment, as they are air purifiers. Cutting down
trees creates havoc on the environment as the pollution rate accelerates with an
enhancement of temperature as well. Deforestation has always impacted the
environment negatively. The major reason for deforestation is urban sprawl. Since
urbanization is increasing gradually, the growth of the real estate business is
enhancing consequently. In a city like Multan, where mango has been an asset to the
city, the city’s main export, its deforestation has not only squeezed mango production
but also highly impacted the livelihood of the local community. In Multan, it has been
observed that a lot of new housing societies have been established. This study aims
to identify the influence on the local community created due to mango tree cutting.
For that research, we surveyed 376 people. Socio-economic impacts were found on
the local community through this survey. The cutting of agricultural areas for real
estate business has become very common. Multan, which is the hub of mango
production, the deforestation of mango trees on that huge scale has affected the
thousands of people who were associated with the mango garden. The major
drawback of this development is that the livelihood of the people of the local
community has ended. They were forced to move from that area. The Government
should take strict action against the emergence of real estate on agricultural land and
allow this business to be flourished only on barren land