This thesis proposes comprehensive solution analysis of call detail records for
discovering and analyzing social networks and prominence of an actor in the
network. It is based on all the existing techniques and methodologies for
telecom billing solutions. On the basis of existing systems database has been
developed in SQL server 2005. The front end has been developed in Visual
Studios 2005 in Visual C# environment. All the basic functionalities have been
provided for billing systems. The basic functionalities include searching
through CDR and generating required reports from the database. Also
revenue generating customers have been identified. Finally methodologies
have been proposed for identification and analysis of social networks from
These methodologies include grouping the related mobile users using CDR’s
by selecting a central node. Also networks analysis has been made on the
basis of degree centrality and prestige to find the prominence of a user in the
group or whole network or in cluster. Algorithms have been proposed for
clustering and for network analysis.
Finally simulation for the working of the grouping is developed. This simulation
is quite user friendly. It shows the link information between actors in a group
or cluster in quite a comprehensive way. It explains most of the functionality
with sociogram generation.