HLA is software architecture for creating computer models or simulation out of
component models or simulations. At the core of the HLA is the software called ‘Run
Time Infrastructure or RTI that is responsible for distribution and management of
information. HLA has been used for the development of military simulation. In this
work, we present a framework for an HLA based man-in-loop simulation. The main
focus has been to simulate the real time command and control interface with the
operator (man) interacting with the simulation through virtual console. Also the
interfaces with sensors and weapons utilize the same interface and mechanism as used
by actual sensors and weapons. This framework can be used for evaluation/training of
the operator and testing of new weapons.
War games are widely used by the military to train troops and develop new ways
of war fighting. There are various tools and softwares available that allow the user to
create a synthetic/virtual battle field and test various scenarios. These includes OneSAF
Testbed Baseline (OTB), STRIVE, MANA. OTB can interact with other live, virtual
and constructive simulations based on HLA. In our work we present the ‘Air defense
Simulation’ in which some components of the system are simulated/virtual whereas
other components are live. In our simulation various simulated targets are generated by
the operator and engaged either by the simulated or real gun. Sensors and weapons
communicate with each other using standard messages. The simulation is tested in
various scenarios for real time performance and detail analysis of results is presented.