Peshawar being a developing city of Pakistan generates 967 tons/day of waste. Effective
municipal solid waste (MSW) management system is needed in this city since the collected
waste is dumped in an open dumping site causing adverse environmental impacts. A secondary
data has been obtained from the Water and Sanitation Services Company, Peshawar for a period
of one year. This study included the categorization of MSW into several groups, namely
biodegradable, combustible, plastics, and others. 1 tonne of MSW has been selected as the
functional unit. The system boundary included treatment and disposal of MSW via various
methods such as open dumping, incineration, and anaerobic digestion. Four different scenarios
were developed as alternatives to the current waste management practice. For inventory data,
Ecoinvent database in SimaPro version is used. The data underwent evaluation using
the RiCiPe 2016 methodology, employing midpoint impact categories as well as endpoint
damage assessment categories. Based on the findings, S1 (open dumping), current MSW
management practice in Peshawar, has exhibited the most significant adverse effects on both
midpoint and endpoint impact categories followed by S2 (sanitary landfill). Conversely, S5
which involved the anaerobic digestion of biodegradable waste, incineration of combustible
and plastics, and diversion of the remaining waste to the landfill, has demonstrated superior
performance. Additionally, the findings of the sensitivity analysis done on plastic waste
indicated their segregation and recycling the recyclable components can reduce the
environmental burden. This research demonstrated the LCA as a beneficial tool for governors
and managers in devising an integrated waste management strategy that yields more favourable
environmental benefits.