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Secure Centralized Data Management for Industry 4.0

Show simple item record Zahid, Muaaz Bin 2023-08-30T11:40:45Z 2023-08-30T11:40:45Z 2020
dc.identifier.other 171091
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Hasan Tahir en_US
dc.description.abstract The comprehensive digitalization of the economic structure and manufac turing systems aka Industry 4.0 has added values in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, quality, and enhanced performance but with the consequences of increased susceptibility to security threats. The elements of digital security generally rely upon data confidentiality. Confidentiality of data, exchanging through sensor devices is critical in industry 4.0. The integrity of the data must be guaranteed to attain the definitive potential of Industry 4.0, for this purpose, a cryptosystem is mandatory which can competently work with lim ited resources. Asymmetric Encryption is computationally impossible for IoT devices due to resource limitations, and in the current systems, the symmet ric key is hardcoded on the IoT sensors to achieve encrypted communication. A state of the art system is proposed in this research which is based on the placement of sensor and key generation server in the same private net work, to generate and share symmetric session keys with the centralized data management by modifying DHKE protocol. We have accomplished this by instigating a novel method of fetching seed for session key generation from the integrated circuit (IC) which is MAXIM DS-2411 in our work. It fetches the seed whenever it has to create a session secret key. This is a very smart xi method which achieved proficient confidentiality with very low resources as compared to current systems. Comp 128-3 algorithm which is used in GSM technology is used here to generate session secrets which are then exchanged with modified DHKE protocol to generate a symmetric session key between IoT sensor and data management server with the help of a key generation server. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS), NUST en_US
dc.title Secure Centralized Data Management for Industry 4.0 en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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