With revelation of miniature technologies, sensing devices which are powered with limited
baeries and a lot of applications came into existence like applications for mine detection,
monitoring of bale eld, pollution monitoring, military surveillance, data gathering from
remote locations, monitoring of underground mines, health-care, agriculture and smart cities,
etc. Sensing nodes are signicantly important components of the Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN). e major challenge in WSNs is the ecient consumption of node baery with reliable
data communication. e energy eciency is the key component of every routing strategy
designed for WSNs. Comparatively more baery consumption takes place during communication on longer and extended distances. Whereas redundant transmissions and less eective
selection of routing path between source and destination is also a key contributor towards
higher baery dissipation.
In this thesis, an energy ecient communication and coordination framework has been
proposed in Heteorogenpus WSN (HtWSN). In HtWSN, an energy-ecient protocol named
reshold-EEhDEEC (T-EEHDEEC) has been developed. For the sake of heterogeneity, three
types of nodes have been considered in this work which are normal, advance and super nodes.
Furthermore, a novel threshold has been dened to enhance the performance of our proposed
protocol. To verify and validate performance of our proposed routing protocol, we have con ducted the simulations for energy consumption, packet delivery ratio, and First Node Die
(FND). Furthermore, an existing heterogenous communication protocol namely TBEENISH
has also been implemented for comparison. e results show that our proposed scheme out performs over counterparts in terms of energy, FND and packet delivery ratio