Microalgae provides an eco-friendly solution for wastewater treatment, CO2 fixation and
lipid and pigments production. High-nutrient wastewater such as solid waste leachate,
anaerobic digestate and poultry wastewater has high turbidity, dark color and high
concentration of nutrients. Therefore, it cannot be treated using microalgal systems and
need to be diluted prior to treatment. This study assessed the potential of Tetradesmus
obliquus for treatment of high-nutrient wastewater using twin layer cultivation system. For
this purpose, high nutrient wastewater was diluted by wetland treated municipal
wastewater prior to microalgal treatment. Results showed that microalgae cultivated in
poultry wastewater gave the highest biomass productivity and CO2 fixation of 5.13 and
9.25 g/m2
/d respectively. Similarly, the maximum nutrient removal rate was achieved from
poultry wastewater, which as 31.6, 39.3 and 3.5 mg/d for NH4
-N, TKN and PO4
respectively. In contrast, the highest lipid content of 30% was observed in microalgae
cultivated in municipal wastewater. However, lipid productivity was maximum in biomass
grown in poultry wastewater, which was 1.48 g/m2
/d. Chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid
content of microalgae grown in poultry wastewater were 36.6%, 47.3% and 47.4% higher
than municipal wastewater. Thus, successful microalgal treatment of high-nutrient
wastewater can be performed through its prior dilution.
Keywords: Microalgal Biomass; Lipids; Pigments; Poultry Wastewater; Solid Waste
Leachate; Anaerobic Digest