In Pakistan, there is an abundance of highly skilled and hardworking workforce and they are also
willing to work. The main problem however is, that there is a lack of a regulatory authority that
may manage the human resources (HR), and provide them with proper training, education, safety
awareness, skillset development, experience and general management. This poses a problem. The
attitude of people is not supportive of such a vast amount of changes, hence, we have a large
amount of skilled workforce, with little job opportunities, causing a lot of workforce to be
contingent. The contingency causes the workers to work on jobs they are least interested in, and
also gives an opportunity to the employers to misuse their rights and authorities. In this research,
we are hoping to come up with a solution that, if implemented, will not only solve the problems
with the contingent workforce by providing the right trainings, education and fellowships, but will
develop them in an area where the human resource is required. We also hope to help with our
findings to create the basis of a framework for a government administered regulatory authority that
will decide how to develop the human resources into whatever market segments and also put an
eye on the employers who may exercise their rights in such a manner that may put the workforce
on contingency and general job insecurity risks. Also, the findings of this research will help the
development of a framework for the regulatory authority to develop a HR Management plan that
may be implemented throughout the public and private sectors that helps in the right and necessary
development of Human Resource.