NUST Institutional Repository

Road Traffic Congestion Analyzer for Mobile Phones [RTCAMP]

Show simple item record Abbasi, Fizzah Haroon 2020-10-23T11:04:26Z 2020-10-23T11:04:26Z 2000
dc.description Supervisor: Mr. Ejaz Ahmed en_US
dc.description.abstract Road Congestion is the level at which transportation system performance is no longer acceptable due to excessive traffic load. With the increase in population size the demand of travel has also increased. This increase in traffic level has led to more congestion points. Similarly, the domain of mobile phones subscribers’ has also been expanding rapidly. 3G mobile phones have enabled the users to run hi-fi applications, which facilitate them in scheduling their daily life. These mobile phones can be efficiently used to communicate the real-time road traffic congestion to end users. This project is a step towards providing the mobile device users with latest & real-world information on road traffic congestion. RTCAMP (Road Traffic Congestion Analyzer for Mobile Phones) project is an application aimed at assisting users save their time, cost and plan their activities accordingly. The client-server paradigm of the application enables less load on the mobile device and major processing on the server end. This helps in quick retrieval of required information. The mobile phone user are able to select a critical congestion point for a selected city and are then able to view the real-time congestion level on the mobile phone screen. This project can further be enhanced to calculate and display congestion on any route selected by the user. Furthermore, this project will surely help end users save time wasted in traffic jams and congestions. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS - NUST, en_US
dc.subject Road Traffic , Congestion Analyzer , Mobile Phones, RTCAMP, Information Technology en_US
dc.title Road Traffic Congestion Analyzer for Mobile Phones [RTCAMP] en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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