The waste of fruit and vegetable market, Sector I-I I Islamabad constitutes approximately 85% of putrescible oreanic content. Keeping in view this high rate or generation of organic \saste. the studv was carried out to enhance the rate of its decomposition and to convert it into the useful by-product in thc förm of compost.
'The process of composting has been studied using threc diffi.-•rent
types or coniposters, first using Cunei "Chaetomiunf the second one by using the • •EM technoloey" and last one through natural process. The composters were loaded w•ith the shredded organic connponent MSW collected frotn fruit and vegetable market, Sector I-I l . Islamabad för 4 weeks continuous period and then the compost fijrmed vv•as allowed to
nuturate for a period of additional one vurk. 'I*he end product was analyzed to check the quality of the compost by finding out the values of some of the [nost important paralneters like moisture (42.54-50.53 % bv weight), organic matter ( 1 5.75-42.62% by xveight), nitroeen (2.07-3.()8 % by weight). pH (6.72-8.02) and C/N ratio (5. 1 5- 1 9.64 % by: •weight).
The compost from the connposter sprayed w•ith the (?haetomium showed the faster rate of decomposition i.e.. in less than 3 weeks. whereas the best results and values of compost svere Ineasured with the one sprayeed vvith EM. Thus this study proved that decomposition of waste of fruit and vegetable Inarkets into conipost is an efficient. ecofriendly and nuisance-free solution for the management of MS W'