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Enhancing the performance of Blockchain-Based IoT Systems

Show simple item record Kanwal, Sobia 2023-09-20T09:34:28Z 2023-09-20T09:34:28Z 2023-09-20
dc.identifier.other 00000318571
dc.description Supervised by Associate Prof Dr. Mian Muhammad Waseem Iqbal en_US
dc.description.abstract Although there has recently been a lot of work done for the Blockchain-based IOT systems, these systems still have a few problems. In this document we have taken Ethereum and designed a new honesty based consensus algorithm which aims at optimizing the performance of blockchain based IOT Systems. This protocol selects block signers nodes based on an honesty score which is calculated repeatedly to create a fair an secure system. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Enhancing the performance of Blockchain-Based IoT Systems en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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