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Evaluation of Self-Managed Vis a Vis Professionally Managed Construction Projects

Show simple item record Imran Khan Sherani 2020-10-23T11:47:31Z 2020-10-23T11:47:31Z 2019
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Khurram Iqbal Ahmad Khan en_US
dc.description.abstract Based on the limitations of traditional adoption of self-managed construction projects (SMCP); which is managing projects by unqualified/unprofessional individuals over professionally managed construction projects (PMCP); which is through hiring outside project management consultant or dedicated professional managers as employees in developing countries, this study uses analytical hierarchical process (AHP) for selection of best management practices for either of the two. Using extensive literature review with focus laid on construction sector for the impact of self-managed construction projects and their affecting factors are identified along with their four groups. An AHP-based decision support system has been developed using data collected through a detailed questionnaire survey to rate and prioritize their effect on cost, time and quality which further facilitated to develop the conceptual approach for adoption of PMCP. The findings reveal that for project success criteria time is affected the most with an overall weight of above 52% while category of performance with about 50% has the highest influencing effect on best management selection. However, factors that must be keenly observed for time are vested interest on timely competition (0.134) and for cost and quality are optimum resource utilization (0.084, 0.037) respectively. Since Super Decision software was used for analysis that shows the successful trend for adoption PMCP (73%) as a uniformed and validates better decision made for selection of best management practice. The construction industry will benefit from adoption of PMCP and a prolonged exposure may help improve and enhance its value system. en_US
dc.publisher NICE, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, en_US
dc.subject Evaluation of Self-Managed Vis a Vis Professionally Managed Construction Projects en_US
dc.title Evaluation of Self-Managed Vis a Vis Professionally Managed Construction Projects en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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