Pakistan has witnessed recurring, devastating floods attributed to extreme rainfall,
causing loss of life and significant economic consequences. Studies have been conducted
with regards to flood prediction mapping in Pakistan using various remote sensing and
GIS techniques, the gap which has been identified is that the findings for the previous
studies conducted do not include a simulation aspect, only include results obtained
using past data. In our study we used a combination of GIS tools, remote sensing and
machine learning techniques to generate susceptibility maps for our region of interest.
We have focused on the area of Swat District in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, a flash
flood-prone region, as our study area. Datasets were collected through reliable sources
such as Climate Research Unit, Open Topography, Global Flood Database, Geological
Survey database, Ensuring the quality of the data, preprocessing was applied to cater
for outliers, null data and redundant values. The central research question pertains
to flood susceptibility prediction within Swat District. The Frequency Ratio method
was employed for feature extraction, demonstrating the influence of factors such as
slope, flow accumulation, LULC, distance to rivers and precipitation patterns. After
analysis, a wide range of factors were examined to understand the vulnerability of the
area to sudden floods. This resulted in the development of a set of characteristics that
portrays the regions susceptibility to flash floods. Machine learning models, such, as
Random Forest (RF) k Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Support Vector Machine (SVM) and
XGBoost (XGB) were then applied on these features. The results of those models based
on hyperparameter tuning indicate high performance of those models with recall value
of 0.90, f1-score of 0.95 and AUC ROC values of 0.99 for RF and XBG and 0.96, for
KNN and SVM showcasing their capabilities. In conclusion, the results obtained used
List of Figures
a combination of weighted features, from the Frequency Ratio method and machine
learning models to create a map showing the susceptibility of Swat District to floods.
The predictions generated by simulating rainfall patterns across our study area we
can predict which regions are prone, to flooding and estimate the damage caused by
such events. This work will offer valuable guidance and aim to enhance flood risk
management strategies, ultimately contributing to the preservation of lives and the
reduction of flood-related damages.