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Current state and barriers to circular economy in building sector: Proposal of an adoption framework

Show simple item record Muhammad Bilal 2020-10-23T12:20:20Z 2020-10-23T12:20:20Z 2019
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Khurram Iqbal Ahmad Khan en_US
dc.description.abstract The circular economy (CE) paradigm offers a different perspective for industrial ecosystems where materials and products are fed back into supply chain as resources. Recently, there is an increase in number of research articles on CE due to improved awareness of CE paradigm. A research gap exist on assessment of current state and barriers to CE in building sector of developing countries, this research effort aims to bridge this gap in literature. A CE assessment scale was developed to identify current state of CE implementation in building sector, this scale comprised of 24 indicators from 7 dimensions of CE. Furthermore, Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), Matrice d'Impacts croises-multipication appliqué an classment (MICMAC) and influence matrix techniques were used to identify the key barriers to CE in building sector of developing countries. Finally, a CE barriers mitigation framework for building sector of developing countries is proposed, based on strategies suggested by experts of building sector. Further research can be conducted on extension of CE assessment for building sector through other methods. en_US
dc.publisher NICE, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, en_US
dc.subject Current state and barriers to circular economy in building sector: Proposal of an adoption framework en_US
dc.title Current state and barriers to circular economy in building sector: Proposal of an adoption framework en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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