dc.description.abstract |
In the present study concentrations four polycycl ic art)lnatic hydrocarbons
naphthalene, acenaphthene. phenanthrene. and anthracene svere analvzecl in eround svater and soil. Samples xsere extracted and analyzed by gas chromatograph. Total
P Is concentra t ion ran ees and 5 1 to 1 54() nu,/L in
a ter stun p les. I •he positional profile of PAI Is revealed that in stun p!es, Surface soi l sainples (()-6 cm) fronl nine stun pli102 points and conunercial areas and fiortv-six 2round ater san) ples ere taken Croni boreholes darino J anuarv 20 1 0 and characterized for physicochemical paranwters. The relationship of PAH.s concentrations svith total o roanic carbon ( has been investieated. A positive correlation as observed
bet een / \ I Is and total oreanie carbon ). [he results revealed that partitioned in oruanic nnatter is pos'>iblv the cloniinanl of P ,\ i Is. 'l'he toxic equivalency factors
to potential
benzo[alpyrene-equivalent concentration (13aPeq). I-lighcr carcinogenic potency of indicates hi211 deeree of risk to the people exposed to these areas. 'Pox ic equi v ale llc.v (actor ran hich shoxvs no till biological ef112cts in ater. Che levels of P Al Is ifl the surtåce
refine ry adj acent a reas. |
en_US |