G1 Garlic is a new garlic variety introduced in Pakistan by NARC aimed to boost the production of
garlic for Paistan and reduce the garlic imports bill. This variety shows a significant yield than the other
available varieties in the country. Small farmers, backbone of Pakistan’s agriculture, saw it as an
opportunity and adopted it to generate more profit from it however rising seed prices are a big hurdle in
thier way. Understanding the economic viability of variety for small farmers and identifying the
preferance dynamics of consumers when buying garlic was the main aim of study.The study is located
in the district of Mianwali where data from small farmers helps to identify the imapct of changes in seed
prices to the profiatbility of the hybrid and non hybrid varietys of Garlic. Apart from seed cost the study
helps to recognize other factors that influence farmers profiatbility.Secondly Consumer choice
experiment further shows the prefrence dynamic of households when comparing various attributes of
these varieties.