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Hybrid Approach for Estimation of Soft- ware Defects using Supervised Machine Learning Method

Show simple item record Riaz, Umer 2023-10-05T08:53:03Z 2023-10-05T08:53:03Z 2023-10-05
dc.identifier.other 00000325136
dc.description Supervised by Associate Prof Dr. Fahim Arif en_US
dc.description.abstract The last few decades have seen extensive research on the critical activity of quality assurance, known as defect prediction, in the early phases of software development life cycle. Premature revealing of defective modules in software development can assist the development team in making efficient and effective use of the resources at hand to produce high-grade software in a less amount of time. Until now, numerous academics have created defect prediction models exploiting statistical and machine learning (ML) methods. By identifying hidden patterns among software features, the ML methodology is a useful technique for locating problematic modules. Three widely known NASA datasets are utilized in this work to forecast software problems using a variety of ML classification approaches. The projected approach in this thesis reflects the hybrid model, which is designed using ensemble-based ML algorithms that have enabled faults to be predicted in the software modules. Also, three datasets from NASA have been used to check the models’ accuracy as a benchmark. The model suggests that the Adaboost classifier has shown the best accuracy amongst other ensemble-based ML techniques like NB, RF, Xgboost, beggingboost and catboost which produced 99.95% accuracy. The effectiveness of the employed classification approaches is assessed using a variety of metrics which include precision, recall, F-measure, accuracy and support. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Hybrid Approach for Estimation of Soft- ware Defects using Supervised Machine Learning Method en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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