In 2010, Pakistan faced a calamity the likes of which had never been seen before. A flood such as that is to be expected to occur once in hundred years. Experts believe such a flood would not reoccur anytime soon, but as recent events have unfolded similar flood has been experienced in 2022 as well. To prevent such destruction, proper boundaries have to be defined to restrict different locations where construction is constantly at threat of being affected by flooding. For these specific reasons we have decided that with a collection of data and the use of the software we would predict areas of no construction by highlighting boundaries of flooding and hopefully show futuristic models on certain software. The data collection sites according to recent floods will be the areas surrounding the Swat district especially area of Mingora and Nowshera district. The extent of flooding at selected sites and the streamflow during the flood in those areas will be used for this futuristic modeling. Software that will be used includes ArcGIS and HEC-RAS. Furthermore, different flood-affected buildings will be analyzed for structural faults and their damages will be co-related to fragility curves to draw a comparison of the extent of damage to buildings in different flood-affected areas. With all this modeling and data comparison, suggestions will be given regarding the specifications of buildings, for example height of the building, foundation type, building material, etc. for food zones