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Industrial Wastewater Ministration and Design A Case Study of Marble Industry

Show simple item record Majid, Supervisor Dr Bilal Idrees Jarrar Haider 2023-10-10T05:48:42Z 2023-10-10T05:48:42Z 2023-10-10
dc.description.abstract Marble is derived from a Greek word “marmaron” which means “crystalline rock “or “shining stone”. Marble is a rock formed from metamorphism of sedimentary carbonate rocks, most commonly limestone and dolomite. Marble stands as a significant item in our construction industry. When marble is being produced, large volume of effluents i.e., wastewater is generated because of marble processing and stone crushing. This wastewater has various parameters which defines its aptness before dispensing it into a water source. These variables include COD, BOD, pH, organic compounds, color, TDS etc. Wastewater without prior treatment has harmful effects for plants, animals & human being. This forms the basis for having a treatment unit in the industries for the treatment of wastewater. The treatment of wastewater emphasizes upon Physio-Chemical & Biological treatment in order to bring the aforesaid variables within the permissible limits of NEQS. This study revolves around designing of a treatment unit through which wastewater would be made appropriate for releasing it into a nearby water source. This study would thereby include explanation and interpretation of basic yet salient concepts and parameters which will indicate the processes included in the treatment unit before discharging it. This study also aims at providing a vade mecum for those who wish to design a treatment unit. From the past papers it was found that treatment options with hypothetical analysis were discussed but the basic designing of treatment unit was not laid out. Moreover, no details are provided for treatment of marble factory effluent or the details are kept away from public, if practiced. Thereon, an endeavor has been made to provide a complete guideline of designing a treatment unit, preceded by all the basic concepts involved in it. en_US
dc.publisher NUST-MCE en_US
dc.title Industrial Wastewater Ministration and Design A Case Study of Marble Industry en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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