During the last few years, with the increase in construction activities, a drastic rise in construction waste is predicted and notified. This has elicited a radical impact over the environment as well as economy. It is therefore necessary to come up with the waste minimization strategies that reflect the in-depth review of sources of waste. The purpose of this study is to understand the intricacy in behavior of design source‟ causative factors triggering the generation of construction waste through system dynamics. Via Conduction of pilot study and detailed survey, most important factors were identified and their interrelationships were determined respectively. System thinking approach was implied in order to address the complexities in design causes that generate waste. Four reinforcing and one balancing loops for CLD materialized through survey analysis. SD model was developed that contained two stocks regulated by most of the flows. The third stock “Design Generated Waste” was added to observe the combinatorial effect of both stocks. Simulation result shows the increasing trend of third stock over period of five years. This study has addressed the substantial causes of design source and their complexities of behavior comprising the causal relationship that is accountable for repercussions (i.e. waste) in the later stage. Future work can be performed by introducing a policy framework in the light of the developed model to control waste.