The Disaster risk is a combination of Hazard and vulnerability of the
specific disaster in context. Without the event, the vulnerability does
not pose any threat. Hazard holds much greater impact in a risk, but
vulnerability determines the level of impact an area will bear to a
certain event. For a seismic event seismic vulnerability is highly
important whereby the vulnerability for a seismic event is composed of
the structural and socio-economic vulnerability of an event. As long as
all these factors are considered a disaster event can be mitigated and
specific risk reduction steps can be taken in order to reduce the impact
of an event. It is to be noted that for Pakistan, it is highly important to
determine the seismic vulnerability for there is a variance of values in
vulnerability across different region. There have been previously
conducted studies in order to determine the vulnerable factors. The
current study will undertake the census data of 2017 on district level to
determine the structural, social, and economic vulnerability of the area.
Previous study conducted on 1998 census data shows that the region of
Balochistan requires high focus due to the indicators list for the
vulnerability. However, it is to be noted that the dynamics since 1998
census have changed as per conducted in the study. The study has
observed a change in trend since 1998 whereby some factors such as
accumulation of the type of structures are the same in the region but
their spatial growth has been observed. Furthermore, the study also
shows that there has been an increase in the number of structure of high
vulnerability in order region, but their factor relatively is low and
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almost the same as per the previous study of 1998 census. The exposure
model of population when combined with vulnerability indicators
resulted in high seismic vulnerability in the region of Punjab. The
economic indicators further indicated that the mentioned region is less
vulnerable in economic state whereas the Balochistan region will
require attention during the semis event. However, the role of
population density has a greater impact on the study due to uneven
distribution of population. Lastly the study further indicates the use of
following data and how it can be further use in the other studies and
how to apply the results in the enclosed study in order to take risk
reduction measure, which is important and necessary to lessen the
impact of a disaster.