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Rethinking and Revitalizing Learning Spaces in Higher Education Institutions in the Post Pandemic Environment

Show simple item record Ansari, Saleha 2023-10-30T06:55:51Z 2023-10-30T06:55:51Z 2023
dc.identifier.other 330353
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Abdul Waheed en_US
dc.description.abstract Online education and distance learning has become the new normal since the pandemic hit in 2019. The effects have brought out adverse changes in educational spaces and teaching pedagogies and mental health especially for learners in college and professional universities. This thesis aims to investigate the barriers to sustainable higher education and the effects of the pandemic on universities and campus life. Findings showed that higher education institutions faced multiple barriers to sustainable growth in the form of lack of ICT infrastructure, supports, expertise and limitations in mobility and accessibility to services and resources. The shift from face-to-face learning to online classroom was not easy and presented challenges for teachers, students, families and even governments due to lack of financial resources to sustain online education at such a huge scale. Results give us a detailed insight on, “who incurred the biggest loses?” And “what were the biggest challenges that we still need to overcome?” All these questions helped strategize new methods that will help revitalize learning in higher educational institutes. The later part of the thesis aims to highlight strategies that help postulate new design parameters to revitalize learning spaces in higher educational institutions. The recommendations made in this study focus on three key areas which include the design of learning spaces, new protocol for communication and pedagogies, and the incorporation of technology into various aspects on the campus. The information provided by the experts provided valuable insight that can help revitalize learning in the post COVID-19 environment. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST,(SCEE) en_US
dc.title Rethinking and Revitalizing Learning Spaces in Higher Education Institutions in the Post Pandemic Environment en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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